Academic Science Publications and Distributions (INDIA)

Journal of Contemporary Mathematics

ISSN: 0973-6298

Editor in Chief

Journal of Contemporary Mathematics is a peer-reviewed journal. JCM covers a host of topics including: real and complex analysis; approximations; boundary value problems; integral and stochastic geometry; differential equations; probability and statistics; integral equations; algebra etc...

The journal features thematic issues, which have been devoted to such topics as integral and stochastic geometry; integral equations; approximation; analytic continuation and singularities; convergence and summability of Fourier series; Gibbs random fields; and value distribution theory.

: Mathematicians, engineers, and physicists at universities, research institutions, and in industry.

Submission of Papers:
 Papers may be submitted to any member of the Editorial Board, Managing Editor, Honorary Editors, or direct to the Editor in Chief. To speed up the reviewing process and decrease paper work, authors are advised to select carefully from our large Editorial Board the one member whose field of interest is closest to the work submitted. The Journal, JCM, encourages all prospective authors to submit their manuscripts electronically. Only PDF file is accepted.


Submission of a manuscript to JCM will be taken to imply that it represents original work nor previously published, that is not being considered elsewhere for publication

Frequency: Two issues per year are published.

Article Processing Charges: Their is no publication charges in the journal. 



Editorial Board 

Instructions to the Authors 

Publications Ethics and Publications Malpractice Statement
